
Royale Diligence

The company offers international private concierge services. From our head office in Quebec City, we also offer event management services.

Formerly known as La Firme Le Concierge and The Private, the VIP concierge service founded in 2003 by Mr. Nadeau, executive concierge has been sold to RDID in 2020. Afterwards, he has to transmit his know-how and expertise to the new buyers, Mr. Frédéric Doumalin and Mrs. Janie Richard, owners of RDID. These latter wish to continue the tradition of service that honors the concierges of this world while continuing to ensure the management and organization of various events across the planet.

On its own, the next generation has more than 40 years of experience in customer service from various backgrounds. Our knowledge covers a wide variety of fields such as aeronautics, boating, automotive, catering, health, business, international relations, marketing, graphic communication, events, scuba diving, martial arts, archery, culture, interior and exterior design and is constantly expanding thanks to our many partners.


The challenge of finding solutions for our clientele to make their daily lives and their special moments easier is what leads us to perpetuate the luxury concierge service. Our work is a combination of vivacity and speed as well as attention to detail and a human approach. These values ​​complement our motto: efficiency, discretion, creativity.